
Science and Art

New Book

Das Farbenbuch (in German)

367 Pigmente und Farbstoffe, 772 handgemalte Farbmuster aller Pigmente, 17  Pigmentanalysen von Gemälden, Timeline für die historische Verwendung der Pigmente, 19 umfangreiche und reichlich illustrierte Farbgeschichten, Glossar und Pigmentverzeichnis
496 Seiten


Pigment Analyses of Paintings

The pages on paintings can be accessed in four different ways, namely, according to the historical period, according to the painter and his home country, according to the subject matter and according to the pigments used in their creation.

Pigment Lexicon

The pages on pigments  can be accessed in four different ways as well. You can choose pigments according to their colour, according to their type, according to their first date of use, and also according to the elements contained in their chemical structure. Illustrated timelines for pigments of each colour describe the historical development of the availability of all the pigments featured on ColourLex.

Scientific Methods for Investigation of Paintings

This section features the scientific methods employed in investigation of paintings. Included are methods for imaging the inner layers of the painting, spectroscopic methods for identification of pigments, and also the very modern computational methods.

General Resources

Printed and online resources about the main subjects of this website: painting, painters, pigments, and scientific methods for investigation of paintings and pigments. Only general resources are shown in this section. Resources on specific painters, pigments or scientific methods are included under the headings of these individual entries.

Numbers at ColourLex



Scientific Methods