About ColourLex
Science and Art Paintings  | Pigments | Scientific Methods |  ResourcesÂ
Who we are and what we stand for

The idea of ColourLex is centered around the common ground between science and art.
To appreciate a work of art in all its implications, one has to understand the technique of the painter and to know the materials used in its creation.

The first part of ColourLex consists of information on paintings with an emphasis on their pigment analyses.
The second key part of ColourLex consists of pages about the individual pigments.
The third part is concerned with scientific methods devoted to the investigation of paintings.
The last part is a collection of resources on paintings, painters, pigments, and the scientific methods used in the investigation of paintings.

Juraj Lipscher was born in Prague, former Czechoslovakia and is now living in Switzerland.
Education: PhD in physical chemistry from the University of Zurich.
Many years of experience in teaching chemistry at college level, as well as in lecturing and general educational projects.
Academic awards
Balmer prize for innovation in chemistry teaching for the year 2010. The prize is awarded by the Swiss Chemical Society.
Science Education Award from CEFIC (European Chemistry Council) Honourable mention for the year 2002
Science Education Award from CEFIC (European Chemistry Council) Honourable mention for the year 2000
The content of ColourLex is based on several extensive educational projects on the subject of Science and Art. The work on these projects culminated in the following publications:
Chemie und Kunst (Chemistry and Art), SwissEduc
Pigments through the Ages, WebExhibits
S. Muntwyler, J. Lipscher and HP. Schneider, Das Farbenbuch, 2nd Ed., Winterthur 2023.
Cattaneo, C., Muntwyler, S., Rigert, M. and Schneider HP., Editors, Farbpigmente, Farbstoffe, Farbgeschichten, 2nd revised edition, Alata Verlag, Winterthur 2011.
Juraj Lipscher, Chemistry and Art, Chimia, 72, 1-2 (2018) 27-31
J. Lipscher, Ordnung versus Chaos – fächerübergreifender Ansatz: Chemie und Kunst, Praxis der Naturwissenschaften 57/1 (2008) 26-28
J. Lipscher, Echt falsch? – Naturwissenschaftliche Methoden überführen Kunstfälscher, Praxis der Naturwissenschaften 53/5 (2005) 7-12
J. Lipscher, Kunst und Chemie, Praxis der Naturwissenschaften 54/5 (2005) 2-7
ColourLex in the Media
Guest blogger post by Juraj Lipscher at Art History Teachers Resources
A Superficial Glance: An appeal for deeper insight into paintings
OCTOBER 7, 2016
Contemporary scientific methods allow us to peek beneath the surface of the painting. I would like to argue that a look beneath the surface of a painting offers a deeper insight into its materiality, and the specific technical and cultural context of its maker(s).