Paintings Sorted by Painter Flemish Painters Paintings sorted by painter French | Italian | Spanish | Dutch | Greek | Flemish | Norwegian | German | Russian | American | Egyptian Search for: AllDavidPieter Bruegel the ElderRubensvan der WeydenVan Dyck Rogier van der Weyden, The Magdalen Reading Van Dyck, Lord John Stuart and his Brother, Lord Bernard Stuart Van Dyck, Equestrian Portrait of Charles I Van Dyck, Lady Thimbelby and Dorothy, Viscountess Andover Van Dyck, The Abbé Scaglia Adoring the Virgin and Child Van Dyck, Charity Van Dyck, The Balbi Children Van Dyck, Portrait of a Woman and a Child Bruegel, Mad Meg Gerard David, Virgin and Child Rubens, The Gerbier Family Rubens, Samson and Delilah