Edgar Degas, Ballet Dancers
ca 1890-1900Paintings sorted by   Historical period  |   Painter  |  Subject matter  |  Pigments used
Medium: Oil
Support: Canvas
Size: 72.5 x 73 cm
Art movements:Â Impressionism, Realism
Pigment Analysis
This pigment analysis is based on the work of the scientists at the National Gallery London (1).
1 Bright red hair: pure vermilion.
2 Dark green window: pure viridian.
3 Mauve-grey background on the left side: red ochre mixed with zinc white and larger quantities of viridian.
4Â Greenish-grey background, right side: a larger proportion of viridian mixed with less red ochre, painted over a pinkish mixture of zinc white and a trace of red ochre.
5 Pale yellow background or curtain: zinc white mixed with yellow ochre and viridian.
6Â Yellow on the window frame:Â zinc white and viridian mixed with larger proportion yellow ochre.
(1) Bomford D, Herring S, Kirby J, Riopelle C, Roy A. Art in the Making: Degas. London: National Gallery Company, 2004, pp. 136-141.
(2) Theodore Reff, The Technical Aspects of Degas’s Art, Metropolitan Museum Journal, Vol. 4 (1971), pp. 141-166, DOI: 10.2307/1512619.
Pigments Used in This Painting
Video: 'Edgar Degas, Ballet Dancers' by Love4Beauty (Music by Tschaikovsky)
Video: 'Edgar Degas, Ballet Dancers' by Master Painters
Video: 'Edgar Degas' by documantary tv
Video: 'Edgar Degas: A collection of 658 paintings (HD)' by LearnFromMasters
Publications and Websites
(1) Bomford D, Herring S, Kirby J, Riopelle C, Roy A. Art in the Making: Degas. London: National Gallery Company, 2004, pp. 136-141.
(2) George T. M. Shackelford, Degas – The Dancers, Exhibition Catalog, The National Gallery of Art Washington, 1984. Available as pdf.
(3) Martin Hammer, Francis Bacon: Back to Degas, Rothenstein Lecture 2011, Tate Papers Issue 17.
(4) Theodore Reff, The Technical Aspects of Degas’s Art, Metropolitan Museum Journal, Vol. 4 (1971), pp. 141-166, DOI: 10.2307/1512619.