Edgar Degas, Combing the Hair (La Coiffure)
ca 1896Edgar Degas,Combing the Hair (La Coiffure)
ca 1896Paintings sorted by   Historical period  |   Painter  |  Subject matter  |  Pigments used
Medium: Oil
Support: Canvas
Size: 114,3Â cm x 146,7 cm
Art period:Â Impressionism, Realism
National Gallery London
NG 4865
Pigment Analysis
Degas painted several versions of a scene in which a woman has her hair combed by a maid, but this painting is special for its almost monochromatic outlook. The painting is a celebration of reds in many shades and intensities.
The wall behind the curtain and behind the woman’s dress (Nr 1) is painted in a mixture of red ochre and lead white.
The paint in the curtain (Nr 2) contains red ochre mixed with a little vermilion and red lead.
The dress (Nr 3) is painted in vermilion, containing small amounts of red lead and red ochre.
The orange wall behind the maid on the right side (Nr 4) is painted in red lead with a small addition of viridian
The yellow brush (Nr 5) is one of the contrasting elements in the sea of red paint. It is painted in yellow ochre.
The tablecloth (Nr 6), another accent, contains viridian.
(1) Bomford D, Herring S, Kirby J, Riopelle C, Roy A. Art in the Making: Degas. London: National Gallery Company, 2004, pp. 142-149.
Pigments Used in This Painting
Video: 'Degas, Combing the Hair' by Cecily Brown, National Gallery London
Video: 'Edgar Degas' by documentary tv
Video: 'Edgar Degas: A collection of 658 paintings (HD)' by LearnFromMasters
Publications and Websites
(1) Bomford D, Herring S, Kirby J, Riopelle C, Roy A. Art in the Making: Degas. London: National Gallery Company, 2004, pp. 142-149.
(2) Hilaire-Germain-Edgar Degas, Combing the Hair (‘La Coiffure’) about 1896, National Gallery London.
(3) Theodore Reff, The Technical Aspects of Degas’s Art, Metropolitan Museum Journal, Vol. 4 (1971), pp. 141-166, DOI: 10.2307/1512619.