El Greco, Disrobing of Christ

ca 1580-95

Paintings sorted by     Historical period   |   Painter   |  Subject matter   |  Pigments used



Medium: Oil
Support: Canvas
Size: 118 × 279 cm
Art period: late Renaissance (Mannerism)

Alte Pinakothek Munich


It is generally agreed that the Munich version of Disrobing of Christ is the best later rendition of El Greco’s original composition for the Cathedral of Toledo (see at ‘Related Paintings).

The preparations of the crucifixion are not specifically described in the Bible. The painting shows Christ gazing serenely upwards and his tormentors bickering about who is going to get his robe and drilling the Cross in preparation for the Crucifixion.

Related Paintings


El Greco, Disrobing of Christ (El Expolio), 1577-79, Sacristy of the Cathedral, Toledo


Pigment Analysis

The following pigment analysis is based on the work of H. von Sonnenburger and F. Preusser at the Alte Pinakothek in Munich (1).




1 Red robe of Christ: madder lake and madder lake glazes with lead white in the highlights.



2 Skin colour in the face of Maria: lead white with small amounts of vermilion and vine black.
3 Dark blue robe of Maria: azurite and vine black with small amounts of lead white and yellow ochreNatural ultramarine is present in very small quantities in the transparent violet glazes.
4 Yellow robe of Maria Magdalena: lead-tin yellow and lead white with small amounts of vine black.



5 Green robe of the man on the right of Christ: verdigris, vine black, and lead white.



6 Yellow vest of the man drilling the cross: lead-tin yellow and lead white with small amounts vine black, red lead, and azurite.
7  Skin colour of a man drilling the cross: lead white, red ochre, and vine black.




(1) Von Sonnenburg, Hubertus; Preusser, Frank, El Grecos Entkleidung Christi (Espolio) in der Alten Pinakothek, Maltechnik-Restauro Issue 3, July 1976, pp. 142-156.



Video: 'La restauración de “El Expolio de Cristo”, de El Greco' by Museo Nacional del Prado

Video: 'El Greco: Ambition and Defiance' by The Art Institute of Chicago

Video: 'Demystifying El Greco: His Use of Wax, Clay, and Plaster Models' by Xavier Bray, The Frick Collection

Video: 'El Greco: A collection of 218 paintings (HD)' by LearnFromMasters

Publications and Websites


(1) Von Sonnenburg, Hubertus; Preusser, Frank, El Grecos Entkleidung Christi (Espolio) in der Alten Pinakothek, Maltechnik-Restauro Issue 3, July 1976, pp. 142-156.