Pierre-Auguste Renoir, At the Theatre
1876-77Paintings sorted by   Historical period  |   Painter  |  Subject matter  |  Pigments used
The painting is also known under the title ‘La Première Sortie’
Medium: Oil
Support: Canvas
Size: 65 x 49.5 cm
Art period:Â Impressionism
Related Paintings
Pigment Analysis
The following pigment analysis is based on the work of the scientists in the National Gallery in London (1).
1 Yellow-green partition: lemon yellow (barium chromate) with small amounts of cobalt blue.
2Â The red outline of the partition: red lake.
3 Mauve streaks in the companion’s hair: red lake mixed with cobalt blue.
4 Red plush at the front of the theatre box: pure red lake glazed over a layer of cobalt blue, red lake, and lead white. The brighter strokes consist of vermilion.
5 Dark purplish-blue dress: lower layer composed of lead white, cobalt blue, and red lake. The upper layer consists of cobalt blue, ivory black, and red lake.
6Â Faces of the girl and her companion: lead white tinted with vermilion.
7 The white, blue, and green hatband and collar: rich impasto of interlocking strokes of pure lead white, cobalt blue, and emerald green.
8 Red streak in the dress of the girl’s companion: pure vermilion.
9 Girl’s bouquet: thick blobs of paint applied directly from the tube containing emerald green, cobalt blue, red lake, and chrome yellow.
(1) David Bomford, John Leighton, Jo Kirby, Ashok Roy, Impressionism: Art in the Making, National Gallery London Publications), 1991, pp. 152-157.
Pigments Used in This Painting
Video: 'Renoir's Techniques and Color' by Musings on Art by Cathy Locke
Video: 'Pierre Auguste Renoir: A collection of 1549 paintings (HD) by LearnFromMasters
Publications and Websites
(1) David Bomford, John Leighton, Jo Kirby, Ashok Roy, Impressionism: Art in the Making, National Gallery London Publications), 1991, pp. 152-157.