Diego Velázquez, Bust of Philip IV


Diego Velázquez, Bust of Philip IV


Paintings sorted by     Historical period   |   Painter   |  Subject matter   |  Pigments used



Medium: Oil
Support: Canvas
Size: 57 cm x 44 cm
Art period: Baroque

Museo del Prado
Inventory number: P01183


Pigment Analysis

The following pigment analysis is based on the technical examination of Velázquez’s paintings in the Museo Prado in Madrid (1).




1 Brown-black upper layer from the background: yellow-brown ochre with small amounts of lead whitecalcitered ochre, red lake, charcoal blackbone black, and maybe azurite.



2 Background upper edge: several layers (from top to ground)

1 one or two grayish layers
2 traces of thin dark brownish layer
3 pale brownish-gray layer: lead white, calcite and ochre
4 white layer: primarily lead white
5 thin  grayish-brown layer
6 orange-red ground: red ochre



3 The red-orange ground left tacking edge: red ochre, with small amounts of lead white, red lake, and charcoal/bone black.

4,5 Red sash, left tacking edge: red lake, red ochre, charcoal/bone black with small amounts of lead white and yellow ochre (probably cochineal).



6 Brown-yellow armor: lead-tin-yellow, tin oxide, calcite with small amounts of lead white and charcoal/bone black).

7 Pale yellow highlight on armor: lead-tin-yellow, calcite, lead white, and possibly yellow ochre.



8 Background, right tacking edge: several layers (from top to ground)

1 dark gray layer: lead white and charcoal black.
2 slightly lighter gray layer: lead white and charcoal black.
3 orange-red ground: red ochre



9 Red sash on Philip’s chest: several layers (from top-down)

1 thin red glaze
2 pink layer: lead white, red lake, and calcite
3 fine-grained brown-black layer with scattered red lake particles
4 white layer: predominantly lead white
5 orange-red ground: red ochre



10 Philip’s neck: several layers (from top-down)

1 white layer: primarily lead white representing flesh color of the later image
2 pink layer: lead white, with scattered red and black particles representing flesh color of an earlier image
3 orange-red ground: red ochre





(1) McKim-Smith, G., Andersen-Bergdoll, G., Newman, R.  Examining Velazquez, Yale University Press, 1988, pp 125 – 126.

(2) P.C. Gutiérrez-Neiraa, F. Agulló-Ruedab, A. Climent-Fonta, C. Garrido, Raman spectroscopy analysis of pigments on Diego Velázquez paintings. Vibrational Spectroscopy, 69, 2013, 13– 20.

(3) Alfonso E. Pérez Sánchez, Julián Gállego, Velázquez, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 01.01.1989


See the collection of online and offline resources such as books, articles, videos, and websites on Velázquez in the section ‘Resources on Painters


Video: 'A Lecture on the Painter’s Development, Career, and Masterworks' by M. Christensen

Publications and Websites


(1) McKim-Smith, G., Andersen-Bergdoll, G., Newman, R.  Examining Velazquez, Yale University Press, 1988.

(2) Alfonso E. Pérez Sánchez, Julián Gállego, Velázquez, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1989.

(3) Jonathan Brown, Enemies of Flattery: Velazquez’ Portraits of Philip IV, The Journal of Interdisciplinary History
Vol. 17, No. 1, The Evidence of Art: Images and Meaning in History (Summer, 1986), pp. 137-154, Published by MIT Press.