Antimony orange
Antimony orange (golden sulfur of antimony) is a compound of antimony, sulfur, and oxygen. Its color can vary from yellow to orange to deep red.
Antimony orange (golden sulfur of antimony) is a compound of antimony, sulfur, and oxygen. Its color can vary from yellow to orange to deep red.
Cadmium orange (cadmium sulfoselenide) is a modern synthetic pigment which was not used very often in oil paintings.
Chrome orange is a rather rare pigment found for example in paintings by Renoir. It is not very lighfast and has been in use since 19th century.
Orange ochre is a prehistoric pigment used frequently in paintings, one well known example being Rembrandt’s ‘The Rape of Ganymede’.
Realgar is an orange pigment rarely used in European oil painting. It is arsenic sulfide and as such it is extremely toxic.