Francisco de Goya, Portrait of Francisco de Saavedra


Paintings sorted by     Historical period   |   Painter   |  Subject matter   |  Pigments used


Flesh colour
Vermilion and lead white


Yellow tablecloth
Naples yellow and yellow ochre


Black trousers
Bone black


Bone black


Dark brown background
Umber and brown ochre

Pigment analysis of the painting.

Hover the mouse over the white points to learn about the pigments used at this spot.


Medium: oil
Support: canvas
Size: 200.2 × 119.6 cm

Art period: Romanticism
The Courtald Gallery, London
Accession Number: P.1947.LF.180

The pigment analysis is based on the following publications:

Aviva Burnstock, Maureen Cross, GOYA: review technical documentation of the portrait of Don Francisco de Saavedra at the Courtauld Gallery, ARCHLAB Report, 4-6 April 2015.

S.R. Amato & A. Burnstock, The contribution of scanning X-ray fluorescence to the
investigation of easel paintings: Examples of applications from the
Courtauld Gallery, TECHNE 53, 2022, p. 38-45.



Video: 'Francisco de Goya, A Collection of 289 paintings' by LearnFromMasters