Sandro Botticelli, Three Miracles of Saint Zenobius

ca 1500

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Sandro Botticelli, Three Miracles of Saint Zenobius, ca 1500, National Gallery London


Sandro Botticelli, Three Miracles of Saint Zenobius, 1500-10
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York


Sandro Botticelli, Last Miracle and the Death of Saint Zenobius, ca 1500
Gemäldegalerie alter Meister, Dresden


Medium: tempera
Support: wood
Size: 66.7 x 149.2 cm

Art movement: Renaissance
National Gallery London
Inventory number: NG3918

1 Zenobius rejects the bride chosen by his parents and walks away
2 Zenobius is baptized
3 His mother is baptized
4 He is consecrated as Bishop of Florence by Pope Damasus

Sandro Botticelli, Four Scenes from the early life of Saint Zenobius is painted on a wood panel and is one of the series of four paintings depicting episodes from the life of the patron saint of the city of Florence. The pigment analysis revealed a palette consisting of natural ultramarineazuritemalachitevermilionlead whitelead-tin yellow, and yellow ochre.


Pigment Analysis of Botticelli, Four Scenes from the Early Life of Saint Zenobius

This pigment analysis is based on the work of Jill Dunkerton and Ashok Roy from the National Gallery in London (1).




1 The sleeve of Saint Zenobius: azurite and lead white with traces of natural ultramarine in the shadows
2 The green and yellow robe of the rejected bride: artificial malachite (green verditer) and lead-tin yellow



3 Blue sky: azurite and lead white



4 Dark green carpet: artificial malachite
Brown urn: vermilion, lead white and vegetable black



6 Pink-brown floor: vermilion and lead white



7 Opaque red draperies: vermilion





(1) Dunkerton, J., Roy, A. ‘The Materials of a Group of Late Fifteenth-century Florentine Panel Paintings’. National Gallery Technical Bulletin Vol 17, pp 20–31



Video: 'Art in Florence: Botticelli' by Jones Gallery

Video: 'Sandro Botticelli: A collection of 139 paintings (HD)' by LearnFromMasters

Publications and Websites


(1) Dunkerton, J., Roy, A. ‘The Materials of a Group of Late Fifteenth-century Florentine Panel Paintings’. National Gallery Technical Bulletin Vol 17, pp 20–31