Sandro Botticelli, Three Miracles of Saint Zenobius
ca 1500Paintings sorted by Historical period | Painter | Subject matter | Pigments used
Related Paintings
Sandro Botticelli, Four Scenes from the Early Life of Saint Zenobius, ca 1500-05
National Gallery London
Sandro Botticelli, Three Miracles of Saint Zenobius, 1500-10
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Sandro Botticelli, Last Miracle and the Death of Saint Zenobius, ca 1500
Gemäldegalerie alter Meister, Dresden
Medium: tempera
Support: wood
Size: 64.8 x 139.7 cm
Art movement: Renaissance
National Gallery London
Inventory number: NG3919
Left: Zenobius exorcises two young men, who had treated their mother badly and been cursed by her.
Centre: Zenobius restores to life the son of a “noble lady from Gaul“. She had left him with the bishop while she made a pilgrimage to Rome, and he died
Right: He restores the sight of a blind beggar, who had promised to become a Christian in that event
Pigment Analysis of This Painting
This pigment analysis is based on the work of Jill Dunkerton and Ashok Roy from the National Gallery in London (1).
1 The cope of Saint Zenobius: red lake
2 The dark violet shoe of the youth: vegetable black, lead white and a little red ochre
3 The dark violet shoe of the figure: vegetable black, lead white and a little red ochre
4 Violet cloak of the man: azurite, lead white and red lake, the shadows are painted in vermilion, red lake and vegetable black
5 The dark green sleeve of the beggar: artificial malachite (green verditer) and lead-tin yellow
6 Yellow cloak of the beggar: lead-tin yellow over lead-tin yellow and yellow ochre. Shadows contain lead-tin yellow, yellow ochre, lead white, and a little vermilion.
(1) Dunkerton, J., Roy, A. ‘The Materials of a Group of Late Fifteenth-century Florentine Panel Paintings’. National Gallery Technical Bulletin Vol 17, pp 20–31
Pigments Used in This Painting
Video: 'Art in Florence: Botticelli' by Jones Gallery
Video: 'Sandro Botticelli: A collection of 139 paintings (HD)' by LearnFromMasters
Publications and Websites
(1) Dunkerton, J., Roy, A. ‘The Materials of a Group of Late Fifteenth-century Florentine Panel Paintings’. National Gallery Technical Bulletin Vol 17, pp 20–31