Veronese, Christ Bearing the Cross
ca 1571Paintings sorted by   Historical period  |   Painter  |  Subject matter  |  Pigments used

Red robes
Carmine (Cochenille), vermilion, lead-tin yellow
Lead white, azurite, smalt
Grey rope
Azurite, lead white, quartz
Red robe of Christ
Red Lake (cochenille?)
Orange-yellow robe
Orpiment, realgar, lead-tin yellow, yellow ochre, vermilion
Yellow robe
Lead-tin yellow II
Green robe
Verdigris, lead white
Mary’s blue cloak
Smalt, natural ultramarine, azurite, lead white
White robe
Lead white
Hover the mouse over the white points to learn about the pigments used at this spot.
Pigment analysis of the painting by Veronese, Christ Bearing the Cross.
Source: Christine Follmann, Marlies Giebe, Andreas Henning (Eds), Veronese: Der Cuccina Zyklus, Sandstein Verlag Dresden, 2018. 200 p.
Medium: Oil
Support: Canvas
Size: 166 x 414 cm
Art period: Renaissance
Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister Dresden
Gallery Number: 227
Medium: Oil
Support: Canvas
Size: 166 x 414 cm
Art period: Renaissance
Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister Dresden
Gallery Number: 227
Pigment Analysis of Veronese, Christ Bearing the Cross
Pigments used in this painting
Resources for Veronese, Christ Bearing the Cross
Video: 'Veronese: Der Cuccina-Zyklus. Das restaurierte Meisterwerk' by Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden
Video: 'Paolo Veronese: A collection of 448 paintings (HD)' by LearnFromMasters
Publications and Websites
Christine Follmann, Marlies Giebe, Andreas Henning (Eds), Veronese: Der Cuccina Zyklus, Sandstein Verlag Dresden, 2018. 200 p.
Veronese: the Cuccina Cycle. The restored masterpiece, website of the Staatliche Kunstsammlung Dresden.