Wall painting in the Tomb of Pharaoh Ay

18th Dynasty, ca 1320 BC

Paintings sorted by     Historical period   |   Painter   |  Subject matter   |  Pigments used


Image © by Robert Fuchs, University of Applied Sciences, Cologne


Pharaoh Ay was the King of ancient Egypt of the 18th Dynasty and his short reign extended from 1323 until 1319 BC. His tomb is situated in a smaller valley west of the Valley of the Kings.



Pharaoh Ay
Wall painting in the tomb of Tutankhamun KV 62

Location of the Tomb

The tomb of Pharaoh Ay is located west of the Valley of the Kings in the tomb Wv23.



Click on the image above for the interactive GoogleMap


Pigment Analysis of This Painting

This pigment analysis is based on the work of Robert Fuchs, University of Applied Sciences, Cologne




Blue: Egyptian blue
Red: red ochre
Yellow background: a mixture of orpiment and yellow ochre

Pigments Used in This Painting



Video: 'The Tomb of Ay, Valley of the Kings Egypt' by Dr. Abdallah Diab