Claude Monet, Lavacourt under Snow

ca 1878-81

Paintings sorted by     Historical period   |   Painter   |  Subject matter   |  Pigments used


Medium: oil
Support: canvas
Size: 59.7 x 80.6 cm

Art period: Impressionism
National Gallery London

Claude Monet, ‘Lavacourt under snow’ is a mature work showing a refined and simplified technique compared to the older works such as ‘The Gare Saint-Lazare‘ or ‘The Petit Bras of the Seine at Argenteuil‘.

The pigment analysis revealed the prevalent use of pure pigments and a palette consisting of artificial ultramarinecobalt blueviridianemerald greencadmium yellow, and vermilion.


Pigment Analysis

This pigment analysis is based on the work of the scientists at the National Gallery London (1).





1 Blue-white snow: cobalt blue mixed with lead white in lighter areas. The underlayer contains artificial ultramarine.



2 Rose areas of the sunlit hill: vermilion mixed with lead white.
3 Light yellow-green areas of the sunlit hill: emerald green mixed with lead white.
4 Pale lemon-colored areas of the sunlit hill: cadmium yellow mixed with lead white.



5 Green stroke on the wall of the cottage: viridian.
6 Blue areas on the walls and roofs of the cottages: cobalt blue.
7 Brownish-red patch on the wall of the cottage wall: vermilion over a mixture of cobalt blue, red lake, and lead white.
8 Olive and khaki areas on the cottage wall: cobalt blue, viridian, and cadmium yellow.



9 red-brown branches of the trees: vermilion, cobalt blue, and lead white.




(1) Bomford D, Kirby J, Leighton, J., Roy A. Art in the Making: Impressionism. National Gallery Publications, London, 1990, pp. 182-187.


See the collection of online and offline resources such as books, articles, videos, and websites on Claude Monet in the section ‘Resources on Painters


Video: 'Claude Monet, Lavacourt under Snow' by Hugh Lane Gallery

Video: 'The Science Behind Monet's Color' by University of Rochester

Video: 'A Collection of 1540 Paintings (HD)' by LearnFromMasters

Publications and Websites


(1) Bomford D, Kirby J, Leighton, J., Roy A. Art in the Making: Impressionism. National Gallery Publications, London, 1990, pp. 182-187.


Biography of Claude Oscar

Monet Paintings and Drawings at the Art Institute of Chicago A very thorough and interactive catalog of Monet’s works at the Art Institute of Chicago. Contains detailed information on the history, provenance, and technical aspects of the paintings and drawings.