Resources Claude Monet

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William H. Fuller, Claude Monet and His Paintings, New York 1899.

Daniel Wildenstein, Gilles Neret, Monet: Catalogue Raisonne (4 Volume Set).

Paula Dredge, Richard Wuhrer, and Matthew R. Phillips, Monet’s Painting under the Microscope, Microsc. Microanal. 9, 139–143, 2003 DOI: 10.1017/S1431927603030198

Roy, A. ‘Monet’s Palette in the Twentieth Century: “Water-Lilies” and “Irises”‘. National Gallery Technical Bulletin Vol 28, pp 58–68.

Wilson, M., Wyld, M., Roy, A. ‘Monet’s “Bathers at La Grenouillère“‘. National Gallery Technical Bulletin Vol 5, pp 14–25. (2017). Biography of Claude Oscar Monet.

Monet Paintings and Drawings at the Art Institute of Chicago A very thorough and interactive catalog of Monet’s works at the Art Institute of Chicago. Contains detailed information on the history, provenance and technical aspects of the paintings and drawings.


Video: 'Claude Monet - Filmed Painting Outdoors (1915)' by RJH Films

Video: 'A Collection of 1540 Paintings (HD)' by LearnFromMasters

Video: 'The Science Behind Monet's Color' by University of Rochester

Video: 'Water Lilies' by Robert Wilson, Musée d'Orsay

Video: 'The Truth of Nature' by Denver Art Museum