Indian yellow

Indian yellow

Indian yellow was prepared from urine of cows fed on mango leaves but its use ceased in the beginning of the twentieth century due to various factors.

Monet, Irises

Monet, Irises

The large painting on luminous ground was painted with thick brush strokes. Monet’s palette is characteristic of this late period and contains pigments such as cobalt blue, cobalt violet, viridian, cadmium yellow and cadmium orange.

Monet, Water-Lilies

Monet, Water-Lilies

The very large painting is one of the many variations of the water-lily pond theme where Monet mostly employed single pigments.

Van Dyck, Charity

Van Dyck, Charity

The pigment analysis helps to understand Van Dyck’s intricate painting technique. The best example is the red-brown drapery painted with a whole array of different pigments.

Titian, Noli me Tangere

Titian, Noli me Tangere

Titian, Noli me tangere is a depiction of the encounter of Christ and Magdalen. The pigment analysis underscores Titian’s masterful handling of colour.

Bellini, Pesaro Altarpiece

Bellini, Pesaro Altarpiece

A thorough scientific investigation and pigment analysis uncovered an extensive palette with several rare pigments such as indigo, realgar and orpiment.

Bruegel, Mad Meg

Bruegel, Mad Meg

The pigment analysis conducted at the Genth University revealed the pigments used and answered two important art historical questions.

Dragon’s blood

Dragon’s blood

Dragon’s blood is a rarely used pigment produced by many species of trees as a dark red resin. It is secreted from the wounded trunk or found in the fruits.

Raphael, An Allegory

Raphael, An Allegory

An exhaustive pigment analysis reveals a rich palette of the usual Renaissance pigments but also includes the rare orpiment.

Degas, Ballet Dancers

Degas, Ballet Dancers

Pigment analysis of one of many variations on this theme. The palette is rather limited and contains vermilion, viridian and ochres.

Manet, Corner of a Café-Concert

Manet, Corner of a Café-Concert

Manet, Corner of a Café-Concert: A thorough analysis brought to light that this painting was originally part of a bigger composition which was later cut by Manet himself into two parts.

Egyptian blue

Egyptian blue

Egyptian blue is the oldest artificially produced pigment known to Man. It was in use since about 3100 BC in ancient Egypt, India, Greece and Rome.

Arylide yellow

Arylide yellow

Arylide yellow PY 3 is an organic pigment introduced in middle of the twentieth century. It was predominantly employed as a replacement of the toxic cadmium yellow.

Multispectral Imaging

Multispectral Imaging

Multispectral imaging of paintings widens considerably the scope of the information which can be obtained from the images in different regions of the spectrum.

X-Ray Fluorescence

X-Ray Fluorescence

X-ray fluorescence is a nondestructive spectroscopic and imaging method allowing insights into the distribution of individual pigments in a painting.

Raman Spectroscopy

Raman Spectroscopy

Raman spectroscopy is a non-destructive method for analyzing pigments in paintings. The pigment is illuminated by laser light and its response registered.

Lemon yellow

Lemon yellow

Lemon yellow was seldom used in oil painting due to its moderate tinting strength and hiding power. Renoir employed it in his ‘La Yole’ for the yellow boat.