Cerulean blue

Cerulean blue

An extensive collection of information on properties, preparation, identification, and use of cerulean blue – a pigment often used for painting skies.

Giotto, Pentecost

Giotto, Pentecost

The investigation of Giotto’s Pentecost revealed an unusual method of gilding and also the probable use of the very rare red pigment dragon’s blod.

Renoir, At the Theatre

Renoir, At the Theatre

Renoir, At the Theatre: the pigment analysis revealed a complex and varied brushwork and the pigments usually employed by the Impressionsts.

Rubens, Samson and Delilah

Rubens, Samson and Delilah

Rubens, Samson and Delilah: One of the most elaborate rendering of draperies in painting. The red robe of Delilah is painted predominantly in carmine.

Cobalt yellow

Cobalt yellow

Cobalt yellow was discovered in 1831, but it was never used extensively due to its unsatisfactory chemical stability and high price.

Resources Diego Velázquez

Resources Diego Velázquez

Diego Velázquez – the painter’s painter – was the master of Spanish baroque painting who created a world full of kings, knights, dwarfs and noble women.

Cadmium red

Cadmium red

Cadmium red is a modern pigment which was not used very often in oil paintings. Its composition is similar to cadmium yellow and cadmium orange.

Cadmium orange

Cadmium orange

Cadmium orange (cadmium sulfoselenide) is a modern synthetic pigment which was not used very often in oil paintings.

Cézanne, Bay of l’Estaque

Cézanne, Bay of l’Estaque

Pigment analysis of ‘Bay of l’Estaque’ revealed Cézanne’s rich palette with three different green, three different yellow and two different blue pigments.



Calcite and chalk have been in use in painting since antiquity predominantly as a component for grounds. It has also been used as a white pigment.

Chrome orange

Chrome orange

Chrome orange is a rather rare pigment found for example in paintings by Renoir. It is not very lighfast and has been in use since 19th century.

Degas, After the Bath

Degas, After the Bath

After the Bath: The pigment analysis of this painting by Degas shows an extraordinary rich palette of commercially available pastel pigments mixtures.

Zinc white

Zinc white

Zinc white has been in use since the 18th century by painters such as Van Gogh, Manet and Munch. It is very permanent and compatible with all pigments.

Rembrandt, Self-Portrait

Rembrandt, Self-Portrait

Rembrandt, Self portrait: The pigment analysis reveals a restricted palette of ochres, lead white and carbon black with minute traces of vermilion.

Burnt Sienna

Burnt Sienna

An extensive collection of information on the properties, preparation, identification, and use in painting of the natural pigment burnt sienna.

Vandyke brown

Vandyke brown

Vandyke brown: Pigment analyses and literary sources reveal its use in paintings by Rembrandt, Rubens and also more recently by Corot, Delacroix and Ingres.



Umber has been known since the 16th century and pigment analyses show its use by Rembrandt and Vermeer. It is a mixture of iron and manganese oxides.

Orange ochre

Orange ochre

Orange ochre is a prehistoric pigment used frequently in paintings, one well known example being Rembrandt’s ‘The Rape of Ganymede’.

Brown ochre

Brown ochre

An extensive collection of information on the properties, preparation, identification, and use in painting of the ancient natural pigment brown ochre.



Realgar is an orange pigment rarely used in European oil painting. It is arsenic sulfide and as such it is extremely toxic.



Gamboge is a gum resin produced from various trees growing in south Asia. It was not frequently used in oil painting.

Charcoal black

Charcoal black

Charcoal black is one of the oldest pigments in history. It has a warm tone and can be prepared by charring wood.



Indigo as a natural and synthetic pigment has been in use since antiquity but its use in oil painting ceased in the early eighteenth century.

Vermeer, The Music Lesson

Vermeer, The Music Lesson

‘The Music Lesson’ is Vermeer’s mature work painstakingly composed and executed. The lady turns her back on the viewer but her head is reflected in a mirror.

Vermeer, The Procuress

Vermeer, The Procuress

‘The Procuress’ is Vermeer’s first genre painting dominated by two colors: red in the man’s jacket and yellow in the woman’s tunic.

Vermeer, The Glass of Wine

Vermeer, The Glass of Wine

The ‘Glass of Wine’ is one of two Vermeer’s paintings showing a lady being offered a glass of wine by a gentleman with obvious amorous intentions.

Vermeer, View of Delft

Vermeer, View of Delft

‘View of Delft’ by Vermeer is one of the most famous and beloved city views in western art. The harmony of the composition and the tranquillity are unique.

Morisot, Summer’s Day

Morisot, Summer’s Day

A Summer’s Day by Berthe Morisot is a beautiful example of an outdoor scene in Bois de Boulogne which was one of her favourite subjects.

Bone black

Bone black

Bone black had been in use since ancient history by many artists such as Rembrandt and Velázquez but also by modern painters such as Cézanne and Picasso.