Cobalt violet

Cobalt violet

Cobalt violet is one of the few violet pigments in use since the second half of the 19th century until today.

Naples yellow

Naples yellow

Naples yellow and egyptian blue are the oldest artificially produced pigments. It has great hiding power and was used until the 19th century.

Cadmium yellow

Cadmium yellow

Cadmium yellow is a stable, lightfast and beautiful yellow pigment used by Monet, Cézanne and Matisse among other painters in the 19th Century.

Resources Hieronymus Bosch

Resources Hieronymus Bosch

Hieronymus Bosch: Books, Websites, and Documents describing this Renaissance painter with a body of work eluding all attempts of interpretation.

Prussian Blue

Prussian Blue

An extensive collection of information on properties, preparation, identification, and use of Prussian blue – the first modern artificial pigment.



Verdigris was the most intense green pigment of renaissance painters, while its use ceased with the arrival of the modern pigments such as emerald green.

Van Gogh, The Pink Orchard

Van Gogh, The Pink Orchard

One of the triptych of orchards painted in Arles and at least partly inspired by Japanese prints. The red and yellow organic pigments have faded with time.

Seurat, Vase of Flowers

Seurat, Vase of Flowers

‘Vase of Flowers’ is Seurat’s sole still life with prominent brushwork and complex painting technique resulting in a shimmering appearance.

Green earth

Green earth

Green earth is a natural inorganic pigment used since antiquity mostly in mixture with other pigments.

Lead white

Lead white

Extensive collection of information on artistic, historical, and technical aspects of Lead white, the most important white pigment since antiquity.



Malachite is basic copper carbonate which can be found in nature as a mineral. It has been used in oil painting since antiquity.



An extensive collection of information on the properties, preparation, identification and use of viridian. It was frequently employed by the Impressionists.

Renoir, The Umbrellas

Renoir, The Umbrellas

Renoir’s The Umbrellas is one of his most ambitious and complex paintings painted in two distinct stages during his difficult period between 1880 and 1886.



Smalt is finely ground glass containing cobalt. Its colour is not very brilliant In oil paintings and it has often been mixed with other pigments.

Red lead

Red lead

Red lead has been in use since antiquity but it is not very common in European paintings. Degas and Van Gogh are known to have been painting with read lead.

Degas, Combing the Hair

Degas, Combing the Hair

‘Combing the Hair’ is one of the versions of Degas’ favourite theme in his late years. The intensity and variety of the red colours is exceptional.

Red ochre

Red ochre

Red ochre has been used since prehistoric times under different names, such as red earth, Venetian red, mars red and English red.

Yellow ochre

Yellow ochre

Yellow ochre is one of the oldest pigments in use since prehistoric times until present day.

Emerald green

Emerald green

Emerald green offers lucidly presented artistic and scientific information on this brilliant but extremely toxic pigment.



Azurite is a natural blue pigment which has been in use since antiquity. It was much cheaper than natural ultramarine.



Orpiment is a rather rare yellow pigment which has been in use since antiquity. It is arsenic sulfide and as such it is very poisonous.

Cobalt blue

Cobalt blue

An extensive collection of information on properties, preparation, identification, and use of cobalt blue – a popular pigment with the Impressionists.

Chrome yellow

Chrome yellow

Chrome yellow is not very stable but popular pigment with the impressionists and painters such as Vincent van Gogh, Paul Gauigin and Paul Cézanne.

Renoir, La Yole

Renoir, La Yole

Learn about Renoir’s pigments and his painting technique in this impressionist painting of boating on the Seine.



Vermilion (cinnabar) was one of the most important red pigments in use from antique times until about the nineteeth century.

Resources: Pigments

Resources: Pigments

Resources such as books, articles and websites about pigments. Learn about pigments and other painting materials used in paintings of all art periods.

Madder lake

Madder lake

An extensive collection of information on the properties, preparation, and identification of madder lake. Special emphasis is put on its use in oil painting.

Lead-tin yellow

Lead-tin yellow

Lead-tin yellow is an artificial yellow pigment first employed in paintings in the early renaissance. Titian, Vermeer, and Rembrandt had used it often.

Vermeer, The Milkmaid

Vermeer, The Milkmaid

The pigment analysis of ‘The Milkmaid’ reveals the painting technique behind Vermeer’s masterful rendition of surfaces such es the whitewashed wall.

Ultramarine natural

Ultramarine natural

An extensive collection of information on properties, preparation, identification, and use of ultramarine natural – the intense and expensive blue pigment.