Jackson Pollock, Alchemy


Paintings sorted by     Historical period   |   Painter   |  Subject matter   |  Pigments used



Medium: Oil, aluminum, alkyd enamel paint with sand, pebbles, fibers, and broken wooden sticks
Support: canvas
Size: 114.6 x 221.3 cm

Art movement: Abstract Expressionism
Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venice, Italy

Jackson Pollock’s Alchemy is a seminal work of abstract expressionism and is one of the early works from the drip period. The pigment palette is unusually rich and consists of organic and inorganic pigments.

The pigment analysis revealed the use of mostly oil-based paints such as  Lead white, zinc white, titanium dioxide white, cadmium yellow,  cadmium orange,  cadmium red, Toluidine red, red ochre, manganese violet, phthalocyanine green, viridian, phthalocyanine blue, artificial ultramarine, and carbon black


Pigment Analysis

This pigment analysis is based on the work of F. Rosi and coworkers (1). The investigators used a wide variety of spectroscopic methods from visible and infrared spectroscopy to Raman spectroscopy and X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy.



Jackson Pollock, Alchemy, 1947. The entirety of locations in the painting investigated by the above mentioned scientific methods.
Image courtesy of the authors (1) under Creative Commons license.


White paints: 1. Lead white 2. Commercial preparation containing zinc white and titanium dioxide white.
Yellow paints: Cadmium yellow
Orange paints: Cadmium orange
Red paints: 1. Cadmium red 2. Toluidine red (PR 3)
Deep red paints: Red ochre
Violet paints: manganese violet
Green paints: 1. Phthalocyanine green 2. Viridian
Blue paints: 1. Phthalocyanine blue 2. artificial ultramarine
Black paints: Carbon black
Silver paints: Aluminum



(1) F. Rosi, C. Grazia, R. Fontana, F. Gabrieli, L. Pensabene Buemi, E. Pampaloni, A. Romani, C. Stringari and C. Miliani, Disclosing Jackson Pollock’s palette in Alchemy (1947) by non-invasive spectroscopies, Heritage Science 2016, 4:18





Video: 'Portrait of an Artist: Jackson Pollock' by KunstSpektrum

Video: 'The Case for Jackson Pollock' by The Art Assignment

Publications and Websites


(1) F. Rosi, C. Grazia, R. Fontana, F. Gabrieli, L. Pensabene Buemi, E. Pampaloni, A. Romani, C. Stringari and C. Miliani, Disclosing Jackson Pollock’s palette in Alchemy (1947) by non-invasive spectroscopies, Heritage Science 2016, 4:18