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(1) Claude Phillips, The Later works of Titian, Portfolio, 1898. The Project Gutenberg eBook.

(2) Sheila Hale, Titian: His Life, Harper Collins, 2012.

(3) Giorgio Vasari, Lives of the Artists, Titian. Excerpt from the English translation of the book Giorgio Vasari, ‘Le vite de’ piú eccellenti architetti, pittori, et scultori italiani, da cimabue insino a’ tempi nostri’, Nell’edizione per i tipi di Lorenzo Torrentino, Firenze 1550.

(1) Mapping Titian. See the history of art by mapping Titian’s paintings across time and space.

(2) Titian, Google Cultural Institute.

(1) Jill Dunkerton and Marika Spring, with contributions from Rachel Billinge, Kamilla Kalinina, Rachel Morrison, Gabriella Macaro, David Peggie and Ashok Roy, Titian’s Painting Technique to c.1540, National Gallery Technical Bulletin, volume 34, 2013, pp. 4-31. Available as pdf. Catalog I and II. Available as pdf.


Video: 'Metamorphosis' The National Gallery London (BBC Documentary)

Video: 'Titian: Flesh - Venetian - Art Documentary with Brian Sewell' by artandfilm21

Video: 'A Collection of 255 Paintings (HD)' by LearnFromMasters

Video: 'Titian's Technique' by National Gallery London

Video: 'Painting Technique' by National Gallery London