Amedeo Modigliani, Self-Portrait

Amedeo Modigliani, Self-Portrait

Amedeo Modigliani, Self-Portrait 1919 Paintings sorted by     Historical period   |   Painter   |  Subject matter   |  Pigments used Search for: Overview Medium: Oil Support: Canvas Size: 100 cm x 64,5 cm Art period: Expressionism, Fauvism Museum of Contemporary...
Raphael, Deposition

Raphael, Deposition

Raphael, Deposition Baglioni 1507 Paintings sorted by     Historical period   |   Painter   |  Subject matter   |  Pigments used Search for: Overview Medium: Oil Support: Wood Size: 179 x 174 cm Art period: High RenaissanceBorghese Gallery RomePainting The painting is...
Wall Painting in the Tomb of Pharaoh Ay

Wall Painting in the Tomb of Pharaoh Ay

Wall painting in the Tomb of Pharaoh Ay 18th Dynasty, ca 1320 BC Paintings sorted by     Historical period   |   Painter   |  Subject matter   |  Pigments used Search for: Image © by Robert Fuchs, University of Applied Sciences, Cologne Overview Pharaoh Ay was the...
Jackson Pollock, Mural

Jackson Pollock, Mural

Jackson Pollock, Mural is a monumental painting ordered by Peggy Guggenheim combining the traditional easel painting and the art of the large mural.

Jackson Pollock, Alchemy

Jackson Pollock, Alchemy

Jackson Pollock, Alchemy is one of the seminal works of the abstract expressionism executed in Pollock’s unique action painting style.

Picasso, The Blue Room

Picasso, The Blue Room

Pablo Picasso, ‘The Blue Room’ is a work from his Blue period. The recent scientific analysis discovered a hidden portrait of a man beneath the surface of the painting.

Vermeer, Girl with the Red Hat

Vermeer, Girl with the Red Hat

Johannes Vermeer, ‘Girl with a Red Hat’ is one of the two Vermeer’s paintings painted on a wooden panel and is his smallest but one of his most beloved works.

Vermeer, A Maid Asleep

Vermeer, A Maid Asleep

Vermeer, ‘A Maid Asleep’ is most probably the first of Vermeer’s genre paintings depicting a woman or a girl in a household setting.

Stil de grain

Stil de grain

Stil de grain is a natural yellow pigment derived from unripe buckthorn berries and favored by painters such as Vermeer, Rembrandt, and Rubens.

Chrome red

Chrome red

Chrome red (basic lead chromate) is a rather unstable red pigment with excellent hiding power which was rarely employed in European oil painting.

Burnt umber

Burnt umber

An extensive collection of information on the properties, preparation, identification, and use in painting of burnt umber prepared by heating natural umber.

Rembrandt, Portrait of Jacob Trip

Rembrandt, Portrait of Jacob Trip

Rembrandt, Portrait of Jacob Trip and its companion portrait of his wife Margaretha de Geer are examples of Rembrandt’s popularity as a portrait painter in the last decade of his life. The family of the Dordrecht merchant Jacob Trip was one of the richest in Holland.

Monet, The Gare Saint-Lazare

Monet, The Gare Saint-Lazare

Monet, ‘The Gare Saint-Lazare’ is one of twelve paintings with the same subject. The rather special painting technique is described in the following text.



Vivianite is a hydrated iron phosphate and it was used in medieval paintings and artworks and also by Dutch baroque painters such as Johannes Vermeer.

Manganese brown

Manganese brown

Manganese brown is a mixed oxide of manganese and was only seldom employed in oil painting. The name has been used also for other pigments such as umber.

Caput mortuum

Caput mortuum

Caput mortuum is a synthetic iron oxide pigment known under various names such as Falun red, colcothar and Indian red. Its use in oil painting was limited.

Raw sienna

Raw sienna

Raw sienna is very similar to ochres and has been in use in European oil painting since the middle of the 18th century.



Lamp black is produced by burning oil or other organic fuels. It is one of the oldest known pigments which has been in use in many different cultures.

Manganese black

Manganese black

Manganese black was found in prehistoric artworks such as in the Lascaux caves. Its rare use in European oil painting started in the nineteenth century.

Manganese violet

Manganese violet

Manganese violet has been discovered in 19th century but was not frequently employed in oil painting due to its low tinting strength.

Bismuth vanadate yellow

Bismuth vanadate yellow

An extensive collection of information on the properties, preparation, identification, and use in painting of the non-toxic pigment bismuth vanadate yellow.